February 10, 2022


I bought a deck of the Lightbox Photography Cards, and today I did the "Wildlife" challenge. Gotta say it was more difficult than I expected, lol...!

This is my favorite pic from tonight:

I went for a walk at the park and then took pictures of the ducks and migratory geese during the sunset hour.


My attempts at using Manual mode were a complete bust, so I ended up switching over to Sports mode and that seemed to work better. Most pics were awful, but here are a few that turned out okay.

I love the texture of the water in this one.

This picture isn't so great, but I love the color and flapping wings!

I thought I was done, and then I noticed the geese nicely silhouetted against the lake.

Higanbotham Park on 19th Street where I shot these.

UPDATED 2/11/2022

Made a second attempt today after work when there was more light. Shooting birds is hard!

1 comment:

  1. These are all so good! My favorite is the last one - such a sense of peace.
